Monday, November 4, 2013

I Left My Nips In San Francisco

Onto the post-con bandwagon :)

Thank you. Two words that get said way too much but never, ever enough at these things. There is so much we (and I) have to be grateful for in this lovely, magical land so very far from my home.

Those of you that put WEEHU together, I've decided, must be miracle workers, because I swear it was just a month or two ago that this was being announced at NEEHU. And it is my understanding that this was a pretty big challenge for the organizers, so when I think about all of the love and care and hard work that was put into this, my chest feels full of joy. This community never fails to astound me. I am beyond blessed and lucky to have shared this with you.

You are all my family away from home; the time we get to spend together bettering our minds and learning and teaching is where I feel most comfortable, most in that place Where Everybody Knows Your Name. And I hope everyone gets to feel that the way I do. There is nothing that makes me happier to see these -EEHUs popping up all over and feeling our community expand.

I'm sitting in the airport and waving SF goodbye. The city was a beautiful hostess and I am envious of those of you who get to see her more often than I.

Thank you all. I miss you all.

And to a very Wonderful Friend who may have hypnotically taken a spare pair of something intimate last night at the hotel, take care of my nipples for me.


  1. So well said and such a joy to share in this amazing community. I hope all your parts are home safely... until the next time. :-)

  2. Hi Sleepingirl:

    Can we talk? This is Bob from Hypnofantasy. You can reach me at I want to figure out of there are ways we can work together.
